Tuesday, March 30, 2010

this week...

made cookies to freeze. My plan is to take some to the nurses when I go in to the hospital. I read that somewhere and thought it sounded like a good idea. "here, have a birth plan... and a cookie!!" a spoon full of sugar... :)

I got these little shoes at the Just Between Friends consignment sale a while ago. Ron melted at the little work boots, I knew he would :)

I thought this was kind of funny/sad. I'm very happy for my new treadmill. But here is where it has to be for now. I feel bad that the baby room isn't even really done. There's nothing on the walls, I haven't finished the artwork, and we have to keep the computer in there. In the future, I would like to get a little room divider so that if I ever have to work on the computer at night for some reason, the baby won't be seeing the hazy screen... Now, on top of everything, the treadmill becomes the complete center focus. We will be moving the treadmill to our room once the baby gets moved into this room, though, probably sometime during the summer... For now, I may just lay him down in the crib while I walk/run... Let him fall asleep to the gentle hum of the motor.

Had my doctor's appointment today, everything looks great. Yup, I'm having a kid. imminently!

Monday, March 29, 2010

baby shower!

everyone painted little flat wooden animals that will be glued onto the box you see and put in the baby room. My friend Fran is a fabulous party planner and she had everything coordinated and themed to "safari", which is my loose theme for the baby room :) It was lots of fun! Wouldn't you know, though, that I don't have a picture here of Fran because she was taking most of them, and I forgot to get one with her! :(

The really cool cake that Jen, my baking and artistic friend, made for me!

She got the animals to look just like the one on the invitation Fran made, they are so cute!

Jen and I and her cake :)

I requested this game where people guess how much string they need to fit around my belly. It was lots of fun, actually! This picture must have been one of the long ones, I think someone guessed 3 feet or so past the actual measurement. Hm... interesting to see how I might look to people :) My friend Michele, who won, was within a centimeter!

more belly measuring :)

I just have to say, Ron was amazing this day and gained lots and lots of brownie points. After staying up with me to clean/organize late the night before, he had to go into work for a bit Saturday morning. When he got back, he jumped right into helping me with whatever we needed. Throughout the party he got people drinks, helped serve cakes, and made witty little comments as he does, really enjoying himself. He was the only man there, and so helpful!!

Another interesting feat of Ron's: He wanted to participate in all the games (except the belly measuring, he wisely stayed out of that one!) and here he is intently answering some multiple choice questions about baby facts. Ron beat out all the women and got 7 right! He was a little bummed I think that he didn't get to a pick a prize, being one of the hosts, my friend Brendon won with 6 :) Ah, but he really enjoyed that moment! One of the questions was "how fast does a man change a diaper?" He put 30 seconds flat (it's more like a minute something, less than a woman because we figure the women are more thorough...). It will be interesting to see that...

My friend Tammy and her new little guy Greyson. Not too long ago I was going to her shower, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

My friend Brendon made me a really nice baby blanket! It is so soft and hand embroidered on the sides...

Our friend Nikki from Austin brought mango tart for the party. She made it mango just for Ron, who loved it :) yes, he has been known to obsess over mangos :)

Nikki and Greta, up from Austin. They got to hang out after the party and went to try a Thai restaurant with us. SO good, and so good to spend time with them!

Some of the girls (and Devin, Brendon's little boy).

Ron enjoyed himself at the party and, as I said, was so helpful and always taking care of me! What a great husband!

All in all, it was a really nice shower on a beautiful day. It meant a lot to have friends come over and show their support, especially with family so far away. A few of our friends couldn't make it because there were a lot of weddings/other parties going on that day. But that's how it goes, and we know they love us :) and it was a blessing to have the people that could make it. I really enjoyed myself and we also received a lot of nice gifts that will be very useful. Thank you God for good friends!

getting ready for baby...

just another belly picture :)

Ron did a great job putting the crib together without instructions. I did help :) We worked so well together! It took us a little bit to figure a couple things out, but no frustrated yelling or tears :) That's really great, especially considering it was 2 am!

This is the dresser I found at Salvation Army and Ron stained and varnished. It looks so much better than when we got it, and it was a blessing to find what we think is a good looking little dresser for such a good price!

setting up. I am still working on artwork for the walls :)

I mentioned to my friend Brendon at the baby shower that we were going to be purchasing a crib mattress. They have two, and are being kind enough to give us one! Just another blessing :)

cake and cara and caden and brad :)

just another cake I made. This was sour cream chocolate cake with yummy chocolate buttercream... I got the recipe from my friend Jen, starts with a box mix! but is sooo much better!

more cek.

This is my friend Cara and her little seven month old Caden. We are taking a walk on a bit of a chilly day. (meaning a day that my Wisconsin people would be cherishing!)

Brad and Cara and Caden. Caden makes you work for smiles. It took me several times of seeing him before he graced me with a grin. Ron takes one look at him and he's laughing. I don't know, Ron's got the knack :) We love to have game nights with Brad and Cara, they are a great couple that we have down here :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

2 more weeks...

Ok, just thought I'd update. I think the days are going by a bit slower now because we are getting so close. I feel a little like Gracie or Doug when Christmas rolls around and I just can't contain myself or wait very well anymore!

Today I am working on the church monthly newsletter (it has been a blessing to get back into design and actually be producing work while helping out at church at the same time). I am also feeling the urgency of getting other things around the house accomplished. 3 weeks sounded like forever, 2 weeks hits me that my life is really about ready to change. And I better be prepared! I still have to get the car seat installed, which is probably the biggest thing. Ron and I will be shopping on Sunday for baby things that we imminently need and may not have received at our shower (Saturday!). Ron's finishing up the dresser this week, and I'm organizing/cleaning what will be the baby room. I know, it seems like I'm way behind there, but he'll be staying with us for a while, anyway. I'm feeling the urge to purge today, so now would be a good time to throw/give away a lot of stuff we don't need. But the newsletter will probably demand most of my attention today.

Let's see, in general lately we've been doing a lot of stuff with friends, which has been really nice. We've had some late game nights and tried out this Mexican/Tex-Mex restaurant last Sunday with some friends. It was the best Tex-Mex I've ever had! So Ron and I are going to go there on a date Friday. We had our first experience with sopapillas, which were excellent. One of our friends couldn't believe we'd never eaten them before, then assured us later that these were the best he'd eaten so we started in the right place :)

Already looking forward to when Mom gets to come for a visit on the 29th. I'm hoping to be out and about by then anyway, I will take her to such marvelous places as... the Dr. Pepper Museum! Our zoo here is really nice, too.

Love to all. Must go accomplish.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

3 more weeks!

Just a little sidenote: there is a minimal amount of what you may consider "too much information" in this blog. It depends who you are, though, so I'm just letting you know :)

I am counting down to my actual due date because if it's any longer than that I can begin a fresh count down at that time. Maybe it will only be two more weeks!

I took Ron with me to the latest doctor's appointment. I finally got to see my doctor again! They have been having me meet with all the other doctors in the practice since no one knows who will be delivering... so I hadn't seen my doctor since before Christmas. Seems like awhile ago...

I was a bit nervous. We had made out a birth plan with our doula and I wasn't sure how Dr. Patterson would respond about some of our ideas (nothing too over the top, I assure you!). Overall, however, it went really well. She was really open to most of what we wanted, and we were able to compromise on a couple points. I do think we may have "issues" if she ends up wanting to induce me. We kind of said we'd talk about that if it came.

Here's my qualm. She told me that she thinks the baby is about 7 lbs now. She doesn't want him to get too big to be delivered normally, so she's very much going to push me to induce if I'm a week late. I'm sure she would be telling me sooner except that she knows how much I don't want to. Then in the next breath, she tells us honestly that they really can never tell how much a baby weighs (which I have gathered as much from my own reading). So... from her perspective the weight is an issue we can just head off with medical intervention, I get it. (Even if we don't really know what he weighs. Even if I was designed to deliver him that way anyway. Probably because I might sue her for some reason, they always have to think about that.) From my perspective, if there is nothing to indicate the baby is in distress, why induce? Even if it's a big baby, the only reason he shouldn't "fit" would most likely be some other medical issue, like I have a friend who broke her tailbone as a child. She literally can't have a baby naturally, but for a real reason! If a baby seriously wouldn't fit, you wouldn't know it until that time was upon you, no matter how big or little the baby was. I think it's ridiculous to assume otherwise before giving my body a chance. It encouraged me the other day when I was reminded that my wonderful mother delivered several big babies (one a 10 pounder) and did it all without medication or intervention. Three cheers for Mom! (or rather, eight:)

I'll get off my soap box now, but these are some of the things I've been thinking about. We have already been praying (as i know others are for us, as well) and believing for a healthy delivery and a healthy baby! I hope I won't have to stand up to my doctor on the induction issue (I don't always enjoy being assertive, just sometimes!) but I will try to not worry about that now. Each day has enough trouble of its own, no?

Some good things that came out of the doctor's appointment!
• She was very open to some things we weren't sure she would be (such as non-traditional positioning for delivery, depending on what I feel the most comfortable with) and encouraged us in the natural birth that we want.
• She just got done delivering a baby for a lady that had Sondra (our doula) as her doula. They worked well together, and she had nothing but nice things to say about Sondra. This was completely God-orchestrated. It's very unlikely that Sondra (who only attends about an average of one birth a month these days) would have just been at a birth with my doctor, who, when I first brought up the subject of possibly hiring a doula, thought it was a bad idea and highly discouraged it, even acting like it just shouldn't happen in a hospital setting... So, we've come a long way.
• We were able to compromise on some points, so everyone is happy! (exactly what I always want, but ah, we don't live in a perfect world, do we?)
• In the past, I have felt some personality conflict with my doctor. I am really starting to feel more comfortable with her in general now.
• After much reading and thinking, I am feeling more in control. Not that I won't always take my doctor's advice. I appreciate her knowledge, and she is very skilled. I just feel like I've actually taken the time to educate myself and get to know more what I'm comfortable with. I don't want to ever be scared into an induction or a c-section if those things aren't necessary. I don't think my doctor would intentionally do that, actually, but she is also more biased to use those means for delivery since she's thinking about lawsuits and what might be surgically safe or easier or less time consuming... I feel like I know more options now, and like my doctor respects that. I see the points that she is willing to bend on and think to myself... if I didn't ask for that, she would've just told me something else based on just her opinion and I would've thought that was the only option.

Just preparing for whatever comes our way, but trusting the Lord to give us a healthy son in the long run! And a healthy delivery, I just also know He wants me to study and be ready, to understand the process. Probably in doing all this I am making myself calmer and will have a much better birth as a result!

Another good thing that happened long before this appointment. Ron is totally on my side :) I mean, he always was, but he also took the time to get more educated about our options, mostly because I dragged him to birthing class! (he loved it, actually). So I think we both just feel good now heading into labor, and in the moment we are prepared to review our options rather than freak out if the doctor tells us something we don't want to hear. If there is a real emergency, we are both very happy to be in a setting that can aid us and with a capable doctor. If they give us time to consider our options, it's not an emergency in the true sense of the word, and we have more freedom, not fear. Having Ron backing my every decision and equipped with more knowledge about the birth process so he feels comfortable with things is priceless. Also, we have Sondra! We are both excited about that, and feel like we will be a bit more grounded having her there to help us and to encourage both of us as I try to labor without medication or interventions. Since we are first-timers, we feel much more vulnerable than maybe we need to, and since we want to deliver in a hospital for safety reasons, it helps us to be equipped with more knowledge about our options and to have Sondra there to remind me that I don't really want pain meds :) But even there, we have gone over the options ahead of time if I really come to a breaking point. I am going to push myself, though. Who likes pain? But some things are worth it.

Guess I got back on my soap box a little. Hopefully it has been interesting to hear what we think about our coming birth, and a bit of how we are planning to handle it. I don't ever mean to offend those women who did choose pain meds or who end up having a cesarean. I'm doing my best to avoid these things because I think it is the best way. I'm not out there to prove to some other woman just how fabulous I am if I can go all natural. I want the experience because I think it is the best possible option. I want to prove to myself that I can do this, which will only give me more courage about other things in life later on. And I want to be one of those women who encourage others to try natural, as well, not in a superior manner but by telling them how great it really was. How good birth can be! That's what my sister did for me! go Sarah! If she hadn't talked with me about it, I may have not thought through a lot of the things that are now important to me. Mainstream America doesn't teach us that it's ok and even good to let our bodies show us what to do during birth... So a lot of women maybe just don't think about some of their options.

Ah, but keep praying for me! I haven't done it yet :) I figure I have some endurance in me, it feels like I'm getting ready for a marathon. At the end of it all, Ron and I will be relaxing at home (or haggard from no sleep), dreamily staring at that little boy that God miraculously helped us create together.

No matter how the birth goes, how beautiful is that?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Ron the kid magnet

Ron and Jesalyn, watching "where's God when I'm scared!?"
You can tell they both seemed concerned at this point...

Ron and Mady and Mya, the next night.

lemon bars and spring cookies! (Ron helped decorate:)

as promised...

pregnant pictures! I looked at these and couldn't believe how big I looked! We are 36 weeks now, these were taken last Sunday. We're looking forward to meeting our kid!

Friday, March 5, 2010

very pregnant

hi, my name is Jo... and I'm very pregnant.

Just a few things from my days...

Looking forward to the little guy. Trying to get the nest ready. Taking 5 minutes to roll over in bed. Still love to feel him kick me. About to buy a freezer so I can really get the nesting going :) Meeting with the doula tomorrow. I'm at the "toddling" stage. I have to recoup after putting shoes on. I sleep in hour and a half increments now. I can't just "squeeze through" a crowd of people anymore, they must part for me. I am hoping to get baby room artwork done. Excited because my church friends just surprised me by telling me to save the date for my own shower :) Still not over the cake/cookie/cupcake decorating phase, in fact I bought two new frosting tips the other day. Made possibly the best (and worst for you) mac 'n cheese last night. Thrilled that Ron will be home this Saturday! Hoping my friend Cara is feeling better today and can come over to decorate cookies with me and have a jolly good time. Still involved at church, going tonight for a special youth service; I'll be hanging out with Ron, who is helping with lighting. We love our church family. Miss our Wisconsin (and India and Kuwait) family, wish the littles could help decorate cookies, too! Feeling "Springy" in Texas and we're already looking forward to long walks with new baby in a wrap on one of us... Ronnie can't wait to be a daddy. Thanking God for my husband and placing us together.

Thanking God also, for a friendship that is being restored. Tears of joy.