Tuesday, March 15, 2011

swinging with friends

mommy's attempt at being artistic :) It seems like a while since I've tried that! James really loved the park and swinging the past couple days. Since yesterday morning, we have now been to the park 3 times! He loves to swing now, he's decided!

He's getting a little big for this swing... comes with his own built in brakes...

James and Olivia share a cart!

Kiss him, Olivia!

Olivia likes to give James hugs and kisses when she sees him, and he thoroughly enjoys her company, too! They get along quite well, and spend time playing no less than once a week, usually much more often. They laugh and play together, and were working on sharing this morning. That consisted of Olivia taking James' toy and James looking to mama for support. But watch out, Olivia... he's crawling all over now, and when he can walk he'll be a force to be reckoned with :) Olivia's a doll, and of the three kids (James, Olivia, Caden) that usually hang out together, she's the oldest. She enjoys being the ringleader, and James for one likes to learn from her and enjoys when she entertains him!

Monday, March 14, 2011

recent days...

James and Ron like to do laundry together. They like to watch the laundry spin in the washer. They like to walk together to find any leftover kitchen towels to add to the load. After it's all done, Ron likes to pull James around in the laundry basket. This is somewhere in between all that, just being goofy :) those are clean clothes :)

After church a couple Sundays ago we went to Panera for lunch. we met a nice young couple who have a little boy about James' age, so we sat next to them and all ended up gabbing. It was enjoyable, and always fun to me to meet people in random places. What a joy! After that we walked to Coldstone, and we all shared a treat. James ended up double fisting it with two spoons and enjoyed trying the ice cream. Here he is after the fact, spoons in hand :)