Friday, April 22, 2011

Why don't we get to eat cake like that anymore!?

Well, Sarah, in answer to your question I thought I would show you some pictures from our friend James' birthday. We made him eat cake like that. Or else he didn't get his present, which was in the cake. :) This is the fun way to do a gift card.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

James turns one!

Ron actually had to change the bath water once :)

Friday, April 8, 2011


This past March I ran a local half marathon, called the Bearathon. It's sponsored by Baylor College, and all the proceeds go to scholarships. A lot of students run it, and many other people from the community. It was a nice turnout. The weather was perfect. I was a little daunted going into it because two weeks before the race I had an awful 11 mile run. Probably awful and 11 mile run go together fairly often, but I hurt after this run like I'd never hurt before. My knees, my hip. I literally waddled around after that and felt like an old woman. Or like I'd just had a kid. Ok, maybe not quite. But I was scared. After consulting my wise big sister, I was encouraged. I didn't do all of the runs that I was supposed to in those two weeks, sometimes out of laziness :( But it paid off (kids, don't try this at home: laziness never pays off!) because my body really needed that rest. Race day I felt great and did a much better time than I expected. There were lots of hills in this race. Pretty much mile 5-10 was one giant hill. I finished in 2 hours 13 minutes, very happy with that. I wasn't really running this one for time, just wanted to finish! But next time I'll try train better and work on my time. First goal there is under 2 hours. The run felt great, I got a cool medal that Bean enjoyed, too. And I got to say my little farewell to Waco while running in it's prettiest park.

I have to also note that this race had great volunteers. Every MILE there was a water/gaterade station. People were even handing out vaseline! That impressed me. All the stations were different sororities, so there was much high pitched cheering, which actually helped me! It was a fun race. I saw my doctor about mile nine and chatted with her for a minute. I just love runners. Runners are the best.

in between

It's still 3 in the morning. While I'm awake I thought I should make myself useful. My left eye has been twitching because stress has been setting in and I don't have enough time to do the things I want to get done. One thing, probably toward the bottom of my list but nonetheless there, is to get some more pictures up on this blog. And tell you about our lives.

Right now we are in between. that is such a silly word. Between. between. Between.

We are getting ready for Canada, and therefore have a lot to think about and do. There's paperwork, and billing to arrange, and phones to figure out, and what to pack with us and what to leave for the movers? What will we need for two weeks in Canada before our stuff arrives, for instance? I haven't even started that list. Because I'm focused on James' birthday party, which Ron says I should do less for and give myself a break. But... but... I want to make cake pops! And a big cake! And perfect little goodie bags! and yes, I want to design all the cards myself! eeks. I have cut back from the original plan a bit.

And while Canada is on our brain, we want to focus on here and now with our friends. Enjoy these last moments. Enjoy these last church services. It's almost harder having weeks to say goodbye, prolonging the moment when we know we won't see each other for a long long time.

This place has been good for us. This church. These friends. God has blessed us with good friends here. I have had close girlfriends here for the first time since high school. two in particular. And they were both there the night James was born. And they'll be there on his actual birthday. They'll be at the birthday party, and the after party (doesn't every one year old have an after party?), they've been in my lives the most.

And I will cry. I have teared up. But I will cry sometime. Maybe here, maybe in Canada. You know how guys play fantasy football or whatever it is they do? I wish I could create my A-team for life. I would truck around all my best people with me. So, sorry family, you'd have to pack up and come, too.

This weekend we're heading out of town with our dear friends James and Ashley Smith. I'm glad we made those plans. I'm glad we'll take some more time to relax together, play some dutch blitz and clue, make each other laugh. I don't take these things for granted anymore because I lived for awhile without good friendships like this in my daily life.

It's like God gave this time to us, this spring of water. Friendship. A good church where we've grown and learned more about Him, a church that has felt like family and a Pastor that teaches Truth.

I know He goes before us now. And just for this in between time, I will try to make my eye stop twitching, and enjoy my surroundings.

i feel like my mother

because I'm up at 3:02 am. Did it really have to come to this?

Somewhere after James was fed and full and before he stopped screaming from being laid in his own bed, I slipped out and left Daddy to comfort the babe. Ron just got home from playing some video games with a friend, and he doesn't have to work tomorrow, it should be noted :)

It also should be noted that I am so tired of being tired. I do not want to make this a whiny blog, so perhaps I should stop here. Just a little more... I sure do love that kid, but as he was wailing tonight I thought to myself, he is never going to sleep on his own. or through the night. ever.

Is this true?

Because he is one next week. I also can't believe that... my baby!