Here are some photos we've had hanging around that I'm getting around to sharing with you. Just a glimpse into the past couple months or so of our lives, and you can see how big my little boy is getting!!

Isabell, James, and Timothy

just some snacks I made for a tea party, I never share my foodie photos, but thought why not? I have a lot of fun doing this type of thing, and probably always will. Something you will find out in later posts, though, is that I'm not eating refined sugar till at least the end of summer now. I'll still eat some things that have small amounts of it (like bread, etc.). So I'm sure this will become a blog in and of itself someday :)

one of James' favorite activities: helping with dishes...

our new rocking chair off of kijiji! (like craigslist)

drumming, also a favorite past time. We have friends with drums, so it is the thing to do.

helping build beds. first James' new toddler bed, then our new (and first ever!) bed.

Did I mention how much James loves his daddy? :) He loves to be doing whatever Dad is doing...
These days we are keeping quite busy. We have Bible studies on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Additionally, Ron just got the opportunity to take a welding class (with hopefully passing certification in a month) on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Since it's temporary, I can handle it, but we miss Ron during the week! Mondays are Daddy/James dates since it's a ladie's Bible study, though, and they have a ball :) I keep reminding myself that pretty soon several of these commitments will expire and then we'll have a baby! and then we will not go anywhere :)
Today I'm watching some friends' kids, and James has been having fun having them over. I'm doing well, too! We were going to go to the park, but had to stay in because it decided to snow again, after a week or so of beautiful springtime weather!
Got to get going, hope you enjoy the photos...