Ron and I at the Homestead Fest :)

Making apple cider

cute little goat :)

Friends from church (and I teach Madee, on the left, karate). They went to Homestead Fest with us, and we found that there are so many more fun activities for kids than we knew! We're getting one!! Someday we'll get to do all the fun activities because we have a kid :)

Thanksgiving day

Natalie and Pierre

Ron carved the *delicious* turkey

Pierre and Ron admiring the turkey before it goes in the oven...
In other news, it snowed on Friday! Just a little bit, but they were big soft fluffy flakes. I haven't seen it snow in Texas yet, and since we weren't home last year it's been a while since I've seen snow falling at all. Looking forward to being in Wisconsin this Christmas, and hoping for lots of snow falls. I took a poll on my karate bus, and four of the kids had never seen it snow before that! And two of them were 8 or 9. It was interesting, even listening to their conversation about snow. It was so different from Wisconsin kids! I don't know what these Texans would actually do if there was a big blizzard or something!
Also, and this is sweet... Ron felt the baby kick yesterday for the first time. He had been trying to feel it kick for a little bit, because it feels like big kicks to me! Then at the doctor's the other day she said he wouldn't feel it for another 2-4 weeks. So last night when I said he was kicking, Ron put his hand on my stomach and even said "well, even though I won't be able to feel him kick..." and then he did!
I hope this kid is not abnormally large or something! He already wakes me up sometimes. But at least it's still quiet :)
Yea for pictures! And happy that Ron felt the baby kick too. That's a sweet moment. : )
Also sweet that the little guy is still quiet. : )
ron cooked a turkey while wearing PINK pants????
Ron loves his pink pants and has so much confidence in his manliness that he can wear them :)
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