Sunday, May 30, 2010

James smiling!

Today we were playing games with James, and seeing how long we could keep him smiling! He loves to smile at us (and ceiling fans, and lamps, and walls...) and is smiling more and more these days! James likes it when I swish my hair over his face and also when I take a big breath and blow a little puff of air onto his face! He thinks it's so funny! and of course, so do we :)

check out those dimples!! not sure where they came from, but we LOVE them!!

note the onesie: one of those received from my little siblings, and their friends the Gratz kids :)

happy baby. happy family :)

Daddy and James

sleepy James. This is also part of James' "preppy" outfit, a little pollo to match what Daddy wears to work :)

James wants to be sure that finger won't get away! He loves this, especially our pinkies. Often I will help him get to sleep by letting him suck my pinky for a minute or two, then slipping in the paci :)

little hand, big hand.

Ron likes to try his best "James face"...

...and sometimes James will be the only one who looks coherent.

Daddy and son.

everyday James, the sweetest thing!

twinkle toes!! Sometimes I call James my little "twinkle toes", too :)

this look is a bit mischievous and makes me wary...

i love James, and i love this onesie!

this was James' first paci, but he ended up not liking it, so we found something else that worked better. Of course, he still prefers our pinkies, and sometimes will accept nothing less... at those times I call him a "paci snob"... but mostly he will warm up to the paci, sometimes he LOVES it, and sometimes he refuses it to try and figure out his own fingers...

Mom came for a visit!!

yay! Mom came to visit! We had a nice time, did a whole lot of nothing, and few little somethings, mostly just watched James and enjoyed life! Thanks for coming, Mom :) James loved meeting Grandma Kate, and now can't wait to meet all the other Wisconsin relatives, too... It really was a treat for Mom to come down, our only family that's seen little James in person so far... (besides Natalie, who counts, too :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

my first mother's day!

there they are: Jo's boys. Both of them are the reasons I'm a mama!
I couldn't be happier with my boys...

love! love! love! so much I could burst sometimes!
(instead I cry: out of joy and longing to keep everything in his life perfect, knowing that he'll grow up someday, enjoying every moment today...)

I am very excited to be celebrating my first mother's day, which I sort of eeked in the back door of this year. I feel like I haven't worked nearly as hard as most moms on this day, I mean... I've only been a mom for 3 and half weeks! But really I was a mama long before that, as my months of pregnancy count for something. This day I appreciate so much more all the pain and tears that goes into motherhood, and all the joys and fears. So thanks to both my mothers... my mom and my mother-in-law. I understand more now than I did before.

There's also that basic primal sense of accomplishment: I have given birth! I am forever changed and more aware.

Anyway, I am also enjoying James today. We took a nap together. Ron has been treating me like a queen, scurrying around for me and he even surprised me by wearing a nice shirt and tie! He's so cute :) Off to enjoy the evening with my wonderful husband, who I can never say enough good things about... Thank you Jesus for my family...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

the many faces of James...

what's your favorite?

i love them all (of course) but Ron and I couldn't stop laughing over the James scared face!