Friday, January 22, 2010

our weekend news and Ron's Fun Facial Hair!!

i was up before 6 this morning baking the rest of the itsy bitsy cookies that Sarah loves. mmm... I then made some of them into mini ice cream sandwiches, as was suggested on the website.

We're having a game night tonight and I'm pretty excited about that :) I'm not sure what we'll be playing, but I invested in the Monopoly Deal game just in case! I loved playing that over Christmas! Wish I could be playing that with Mary Grace, Ruth, Ellie, and Dave this morning! And Danny could sit with me :) Oh, wait... next to me, he wouldn't quite fit in my lap comfortably right now!

This weekend we're going up to Dallas to visit Ron's cousins, and then to see Nat and Pierre. I'm looking forward to it, and Ron will be sporting his new "for a joke" look. He really wants Natalie and Pierre to see it :)

this is Ron's "abominable snowman" look :)

it turned out to be harder to cut off the beard than anticipated...

the "chipmunk"

a deviation from the "chipmunk", mutton chops and a mustache...

This is the stache. Ron has actually been wearing this to work this week, and has gained a certain amount of celebrity over it. He will be wearing this until Sunday, just to show it off to Natalie and Pierre. Of course, in order to do that, we also had to show it off to our church friends and will be visiting with his cousins with the stache... Ron only regrets that he didn't do this for the New Year's Eve western bash! ah, live and learn :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

the orkin man

he surprised us as we were sitting on the couch finishing up the entire 5th season of The Office.

The house was messy, I wasn't dressed (I'm lounging in my house, ok?) so Ron went to the door. He sprayed the outside of the house while we paused and picked up and started the laundry and swept up some of the floor, and tidied the living room, and started the dishes... I tell you, the house looked great in a matter of about 10 minutes. Which also tells me that we weren't doing too bad on household chores :) sometimes messes just look bigger than they really are.

Ron suggested we ask the Orkin man to just drop by randomly from now on so that jump up and do our chores! By the way, Ron was off for a sick day today, i'll spare you the details, though he is feeling better now. It has been really nice having him home, and we have just been enjoying the day together! We're off now to take a walk in the country and then we will be cutting off Ron's beard :( He wants to be be clean shaven for district meeting next week, but we'll post some pictures, complete with the mutton chops and handlebar mustache we'll make for fun before we say goodbye to his facial hair :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

little happenings...

ok, I know I'm not as good about posting as Sarah and Joie. I will try to alleviate that at some point in my life :) Do you know what helps? comments! I know I can count on YOU, MG, thanks :) 

I love not working. ok, it has just started so of course I love it. I have been designing, which has kept me pretty busy at times. I went to the gym three times this week, go jo. I know I just need to do it, but was dreading the whole standing-out-in-the-crowd aspect. I like to blend at the gym, but there's no blending now. I am the only really pregnant woman walking around with her water bottle and headphones, but do you know what? I'm embracing it now. I'm proud of that cute little baby (I'm sure he's cute! because he is precious!) and I'm not going to skulk around even when I'm the minority. Plus, everyone there probably really is thinking "good for her! That's so good for her baby!" which is what I would be thinking. 

I have been also cooking a lot more lately. I am trying new things and trying to make pretty meals sometimes :) It's rather fun to have the time now. Our dinners used to be limited because we both got home at 7:30, ravenous, no time to cook then. I am still going to be using my old friend, the crock pot... Speaking of which... I need to go put the roast in now for dinner.

That's done! 

Ron has been being a great husband, as always. And I really mean that. He really is ALWAYS a great husband! I have been really weepy a couple of different times recently, it seems to come out of nowhere. He has been so gentle and supportive. (although, be assured he is never afraid to tell me enough is enough, he just keeps learning about good timing, and he seems to know when to just let me have my cry) He's still really enjoying his job, though it is a little sad there lately because one of his co-workers, an older man, was recently killed in a car accident. It has given Ron opportunity to talk with one or two people about God. I get the impression that a lot of people know where Ron stands anyway, but they really open up more when they need something or when they're hurting. We also recently were praying for another co-worker of his that found out he had cancer. He was talking to Ron a lot about it, and was going in for tests, came back without any cancer! Praise Jesus! 

We're enjoying church and getting more involved. Learning a lot and being part of the body. We've made some friends now there, and the Pastor and his wife are really accessible and loving. I feel like they're family, they're so open with us. It makes me feel good that even though we're so far away from family, we have some people here who do treat us well now and can also be family for our little boy. 

I'm feeling a nap coming on, and... so glad that I am not sitting in a cold school bus right now. Instead, I believe the kid and I will go lay down for a little bit. 

Love you all :)