When Natalie decided to get married to her husband again, I was right there to support her. I battled through making invitations, and tried to help make her big day as good as possible. The dresses we bridesmaids got to wear were actually very pretty and made to look good on any frame (thank goodness). But before we got to put on the dresses, we needed to decorate, shop, and get through the cosmotology school. Not the school itself, but the students helping us. It did save a lot of money to go there, and I was pleased with my hair. Nails... I will go somewhere else next time! but I'm a content person, and it worked ok.
The wedding itself was beautiful, I thought. In typical Natalie fashion, we did start about 20 minutes late. However, that was pretty good considering most of the bridesmaids got lost coming from Madison to Brodhead, and Natalie didn't get to the church until half an hour before show time. The lights were dim and candles were passed and lit throughout the congregation. I didn't even know about that part and it was so pretty!
I didn't expect to cry at all, but I did tear up several times. Nicole's poem was lovely, and when Natalie sang a song she wrote to Pierre, it was beautiful. Then the pictures, and it was hot out!! We were all sweating profusely, mopping our brows, and thanking Dad for bringing fresh water. You'd think it was the sidelines of sporting event. Eventually it cooled off a bit and some nice toasts were made while we enjoyed iced Starbucks coffee. The dance was really fun, mostly just because it was me and a lot of old friends from high school goofing off. I am not coordinated on the dance floor, but I just tried to have fun until I was actually having fun.
Dad and I got to do the father/daughter dance which was special because I didn't have a dance at my wedding and it was neat to do that. I felt very beautiful all night, which was fun, and enjoyed seeing my old friends, and new ones. Natalie and Pierre had a good time, and it cleared up nicely and the tent stayed up.
These are all just bits of the wedding, so much more went into it. We all sang happy birthday to Ruth, that was fun. So Nat and Pierre are even more officially married now, and can stop worrying about my tan line.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
Jo - That's how I dance!
read that last sentence again, and you will laugh like i did! mom
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