We were fortunate enough to catch A Tuba Christmas this season. Needless to say, I was thrilled! And we think we may have seen a certain Justin Marslender there... can you spot him?

Christmas break. Ron loves his cider.

I'm a spoiled wife. The most thoughtful gift was the 8 or so containers of Carmex that Ron filled my stocking with. I'm always losing them, or asking him to help me find them... not any more!

Christmas dinner. uncooked. Ron just couldn't wait, he thought it was so pretty :)

Our first Christmas tree!
sure do miss you, sweet girl! and your good sport of a husband, too! (nice haircut, ron!) (danny has told me he likes his hair longer... in hopes, i think, of putting off the next traumatic clipping) (he has a good pout, too!) what a lot of work you've done on your house! it looks homey. love you both, mom
Now you have eight tubes to lose!
Love ya,
I like your outfit.
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