Tuesday, November 17, 2009

big news!

Well, overseas family... we thought you should know that we're having a BOY!

The ultrasound was so fun to watch and he was so cute and tiny, though sooo much bigger than when we first saw him, of course. He has little fingers and toes now!! We watched him try to suck his thumb once but he kept missing (must be mama's lack of coordination coming through). Ah, but we won't fault him he has plenty of time to learn! 

I had the day off work and got some extra ceramics time in and Ron got off early to join me for the ultrasound, then we took a nice fall walk and went out to dinner together :) It was such a nice Monday :)


Nate said...

Aww, so nice! We are so happy for you!

jsmarslender said...

Yea! Super excited for you. And Will gets a boy cousin!