The house was messy, I wasn't dressed (I'm lounging in my house, ok?) so Ron went to the door. He sprayed the outside of the house while we paused and picked up and started the laundry and swept up some of the floor, and tidied the living room, and started the dishes... I tell you, the house looked great in a matter of about 10 minutes. Which also tells me that we weren't doing too bad on household chores :) sometimes messes just look bigger than they really are.
Ron suggested we ask the Orkin man to just drop by randomly from now on so that jump up and do our chores! By the way, Ron was off for a sick day today, i'll spare you the details, though he is feeling better now. It has been really nice having him home, and we have just been enjoying the day together! We're off now to take a walk in the country and then we will be cutting off Ron's beard :( He wants to be be clean shaven for district meeting next week, but we'll post some pictures, complete with the mutton chops and handlebar mustache we'll make for fun before we say goodbye to his facial hair :)
Glad you two had a lazy day together. Sometimes I love to sit around and watch too much Office. Looking forward to the Fun With Facial Hair blog post...
I don't know what an 'orkin man' is... why did you have to clean your house for him? what did he spray on your house? sorry if everyone else knows who he is and I don't, but maybe you can enlighten me. :)thanks! enjoying your posts.
joie, if there was an orkin man for mean monkeys, you'd clean your house for him, and invite him to supper! mom
an orkin man is a pest controller :) we really probably didn't have to clean for him, but for anybody that comes into our house, we feel it should be as tidy as possible at that moment... sometimes that means there's still mail sitting around and some dishes on the counter... trying to get better!
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