This is just a friendly hello to let whoever may actually read this, or stumble upon it, or desperately wait for my blog to updated. I have many many pictures to post and I also have an almost 9 month old. I sure hope that's all the explaining I need to do as for the lack of updates!
In fact, I hear him waking up now, the contented gurgles and coos of a well-rested happy baby. yum. We had a great Christmas. It was so fun to watch James open gifts, and once he got the idea, he even wanted mine :) We tried not to get him a lot of things, just a couple nice things he would appreciate. We would like that to be the theme in his childhood gift getting. Even so, it was more toys than he usually gets in a day, and I think it overwhelmed him a bit at first!

We sure are enjoying these days with our baby. More later :)
we are all agog over new pics of that cute boy!
What a honey! Getting big fast! Love you guys. : )
Aunt Dee says it's great to see James enjoying the Christmas trappings! He's such a little "bright eyes"
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