In January we went to Kansas City for Ron's district meeting. We drove up, which was a little daunting at first, but I do believe, in typical Goodman fashion, that James behaved himself better than Ron or I on a long trip! He did great. Oh, so did Ron and I :) We have actually always enjoyed long drives, just talking and reading... just a few more pitstops this time around. We enjoyed our time in Kanas City, where Natalie joined us in order to watch James while I attended some functions with Ron. After the weekend, we all drove back to Dallas, where we spent a couple days with Natalie and Pierre at their house. We enjoyed some good times with them, and topped it off with a visit to Whole Foods. Yes, Whole Foods was a highlight, and if you have ever been there and then moved away from one, you know what I mean. We spent a couple hours there, actually :)

James enjoying the view from our hotel room, floor 27!

formal company dinner time

sleepy boys!

our room at Nat and Pierre's. James and Ron enjoyed lots of time here :)
you all look great!
James is so adorable! I just love his smile! And you two looked pretty hot in your formal attire :-)
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