Saturday, September 20, 2008

cool mailbox

Exploring a new neighborhood, Ron and I came across a cool mailbox that didn't even have a Texas flag painted on it. We like the fish.


a couple weekends ago, Ron and I took in an auction. Mother Goodman would have loved to be there, we're sure :) We didn't get anything, though, which is good because waiting for that auctioneer in the Texas sun would've been long and tiring.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Ok, if you haven't had the pleasure of reading my previous rant, this is a continuation of that. 

So... the batteries weren't actually supposed to be where I thought, and I can replace them at any time, and there was a picture... But I actually found this out because I googled it.

So... NOW someone can tell me I'm not a complete airhead... please? who loves me? I need love. 


I know this may seem extremely silly, but I feel really dumb right now and have to share. Also I'm mad at the makers of the Swiffer Wet Jet. For weeks, all I've wanted is a Swiffer Wet Jet. Now I got one, and I excitedly assembled it after sweeping my floors. Once you assemble, it cannot be unassembled. Of course. I put it together, and wondered why it didn't work. Then... oh, I needed to put batteries in it. Which is explains in small print, but it doesn't have a picture of! You know how they have pictures to assemble by. So now I'm mad, it won't come apart, and I don't know if I can even exchange it since it seems I'm the faulty party... Also, I'm annoyed that Swiffer would make it so that you can't even RELOAD NEW BATTERIES!! Of course, that's their game. Suck more money out of us because instead of conserving and replacing batteries, we have to go buy a new one altogether. Or buy a new one if we forget to put the batteries in in the first place! But who does that? sigh. This is why I don't bother recycling. What does my waste matter compared with that of cleaning companies? No, the real reason is because we don't have recycling pick-up.

I will keep you updated. Please someone tell me I'm not a complete airhead.  

Monday, September 15, 2008

the weekend.

This weekend Hurricane Ike passed over us, with less fortitude than was expected. Of course, that was just in our area. Along the Gulf, places like Galveston were hit badly. However, I haven't heard of any casualties yet. Waco was expecting some heavy rain Saturday and Sunday, along with some wind. The most we saw was mild rain and wind on Saturday, and clearing, sunny skies on Sunday. 

All this to say... Ron and I like to take walks on the weekend, and despite the grim weather outlook, Ron dragged me out of the house Saturday morning. It looked like it was only gray out, or sprinkling lightly. As we marched along, the wind increased and the rain with it. My idea of a leisurely walk does not involve pressing my head into the wind and getting rained on, but we had a wonderful time anyway! Ron composed a little tune about our adventure, and I laughed as only a wife who is truly in love can. 

Sunday we took a walk, too, though, and it was pretty nice out. We took one of our long walk routes, which leads around a long country circle of houses filled with people that don't bother keeping their pets in line. For a town who doesn't bother to install sidewalks, it shouldn't surprise me that the surrounding country roads aren't geared toward active people. For the second time now, we had a dog follow us all the way back to our house. She has a collar, no tags. She had been following some other walkers, who, when we came upon them, demanded to know if this was our dog. I'm not sure what the lady would have done to us if it had been, but she changed her tone when she found out we were mere innocent walkers ourselves. I feel a little sorry for the dog, having owners that don't seem to care about it. But I don't feel that sorry, because it runs in front of me and stops, breaking my stride. I will have none of that, and I think we're going to take another route next time.

We also went bowling this weekend, and I am learning to be a better sport. Ron says it's good for me. Since we've gotten into bowling, I get very competitive with myself. I get upset when I don't do well, and yesterday I didn't even get close to my personal best (180). However, I did better yesterday because before we even went Ron let me know that if I have a bad attitude and forget that "it's just a game", "we're supposed to be having fun", then we would go home. I did well. Ron also took me to Starbucks and Panera this weekend, and we generally enjoyed spoiling each other, having long conversations, and reading together. We also watched Cast Away, which I had never seen all of. I cried. 

Also, I am one belt higher, as I tested last Friday for Advanced Yellow. yay :)  

Friday, September 5, 2008

I'm a bus driver.

That's all :) Isn't it a little odd? But hey, I'm also a karate instructor... so, why not? 

Thursday, September 4, 2008

the little driver that could.

Well, it is Thursday. Even though this is a short week because we had Labor Day off, I am ready to welcome the weekend again. As much fun as I am having with my job, it has been extremely time consuming this week, as I am trying to obtain my CDL (commercial driver's license). I have one more test to pass, which I have now failed twice. It is apparently "no big deal" to fail one of the tests, even my boss did. But you then have to go back, day after day... I'm embarrassed, because I missed studying one of the sections, which is why I failed that test. However, you think I would have noticed that after the FIRST time I failed! There's a lot of repeat questions throughout the study guide, but still... Anyway, this will be my third day at the license office, but hopefully I will pass the last test and move on to the road skills test! I expect to pass that right away. Driving a bus is not as scary as I had cooked up in my mind that it would be. However, I am not very good at backing it up for a long period of time, or parallel parking it. Who is? I mean, seriously?

Other than the aggravation and time pressure for me to get this license, I think I may even end up enjoying driving a bus. I never thought I'd say that. But it's a little bit fun, being so high and commanding so much road. 

Must go study :)