Sunday, November 9, 2008


Hi all. I thought I would tell you a story. Last Friday, I was taking out the garbage, when a kitten fell from heaven. Actually, I think he fell from a nearby tree, and I scared him senseless. I quickly made friends with him by bringing out some milk and tuna. He really liked the tuna. Ron had been saying that he would like a cat around, but because I have allergies and am scared of commitment, we haven't given it much serious thought. But here was a kitten in need, and we are a little family that could use a kitten. It isn't really tiny, about mid-size I suppose. But still so cute with the little meows, orange all over with some subtle stripes. I will put up some photos soon. 

So far we have had much delight from little Harold. And I stocked up on some Clariton-like medication, so I should be good. I will of course stress that Ron has decided this will not be an inside cat. I think that will last until winter, at least... Whatever winter is here. We are letting him sleep on the enclosed back porch at night, and we just tucked him into his new plush kitty bed, which he loves. Ron has been taking great pains this weekend to check on Harold, tuck him in properly, and make sure his half and half isn't low. In one breath he sighs that it's a shame Harold can't follow us inside, and the next he assures me that Harold will stay an outside cat. (which is why I don't think he will...) We have had him in, though, just not for long periods of time. Harold really does like being around us, and he stays close by when he's outside. We wanted to make sure he had ample opportunity to go back home if he had one, but it's becoming evident that he didn't and here we are to keep him happy now. Or maybe we just have better food. Either way, I think he's staying around. In this area, I'm not surprised if there are extra strays wandering about, and we're happy to take one in. 

We've been enjoying the cute kitten antics that come with the territory. Once I got past being scared that I have something now that I need to take care of and think about even on weekends, I've known I'll have fun with this new arrangement. It was also a little strange to have to share Ron's attention and affection, but that's because I'm spoiled and needy! We like Harold. Oh, and when we presented him with a litter box, he knew just what to do with it! We were so excited, and Harold earned himself a treat. 

We'll keep you posted on this new adventure. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet Harold is cute!I wish i could see that little kitten.Love,MaryGrace