Tuesday, November 18, 2008


That we are able to help our health. Ron and I have been mostly looking on the bright side today, like the fact that we got to hang out with each other and had some good laughs this morning in between paying $4500 upfront for our medication (though insurance should cover most of that) and getting shots in our rumps. That would be ELEVEN shots between the two of us. Perhaps a bit too much info for some of my readers, but really... I, a girl who has always hated getting poked by needles, find myself now looking forward to the next ONE shot in my arm. So, just 5 more altogether to go. And after this morning, I got to go do karate... fun! no really, I was pretty ok :)

In other news, I got to leave work a bit early, so Ron and I have been enjoying a long evening (which are few and far between). We are taking it easy tonight. Also, he gets to take the morning off and we are going to take a long walk together, enjoying the last of the best of autumn. Like... the best of simon and garfunkle. I think those two ideas would even go well together. Anyway, then we're off for a shot. This is quite the bonding experience :)

Love and miss my family :) I hope all of you are healthy and happy and enjoying each other. I know I would be enjoying being with you if I was there. So, whether you're in India, Columbia, Wisconsin... look around and enjoy who God has blessed you with. (i'm sure you do!) And I am enjoying my Ronnie, who is just the best husband!

Love, Jo

1 comment:

Joie said...

we miss you so much too jo and are glad that you've been getting treated for rabies - what a blessing the vaccine is. Enjoy your husband and karate. Thanks for blogging - it's nice to read about what's going on in your life. :)