Well, we couldn't leave without seeing the sandcastles and the Gulf of Mexico! So this is on Sunday, when we went to the beach. I didn't photograph the four hour car ride or the time Ron got lost in Houston (precious sleeping baby time!)... Actually, we both handled ourselves very well at that time, too! I was proud of us. This weekend helped to rejuvenate us. We used to have so much time for each other, now we share a lot. Of course it's wonderful having a baby. You all understand, I'm sure.

James and Ron at the beach. James was upset. only at first :) We later found out he had bronchitis at this time (the worst of it was when we took him into the hospital Monday and Monday night)... oops! As Ron said, we couldn't have known, and besides being a little lethargic, which we attributed to the heat, he was really pretty good... even for that car ride!

I thought this was a clever idea...

Ford propaganda :)

Dr. Suess. Some of was destroyed, since we came a day late, but you got the idea... plus, so worth it by avoiding the crowd we witnessed heading to the beach the day before!

more legos for Justin :)

too precious. waiting for the water...

and there it is! The first time, James screamed, so we said... Let's try that again! He didn't scream again, though :)

We thought the seagulls there looked funny because they have black heads! We watched them fight over a piece of bread, quite entertaining...

though you can't tell from this picture, I think James did enjoy his time at the beach, though not as thoroughly as he would have without bronchitis. Ron and I agreed that wading in the water it was quite pleasant, and it would have been great swimming in the surf. We didn't stay but an hour or so at the beach, but if we had been swimming I could have been there all day... Someday James will want to do that, and we'll stay all day. For now, we enjoy the little bean just as he is :)
Looks like all three had a great time! We're heading for a little vacation in July and I'm thinking I'll be okay if I spend afternoons lounging on a hotel bed while Claire naps. : )
First "family vacation"?
i love the sand castles!!!
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