This past March I ran a local half marathon, called the Bearathon. It's sponsored by Baylor College, and all the proceeds go to scholarships. A lot of students run it, and many other people from the community. It was a nice turnout. The weather was perfect. I was a little daunted going into it because two weeks before the race I had an awful 11 mile run. Probably awful and 11 mile run go together fairly often, but I hurt after this run like I'd never hurt before. My knees, my hip. I literally waddled around after that and felt like an old woman. Or like I'd just had a kid. Ok, maybe not quite. But I was scared. After consulting my wise big sister, I was encouraged. I didn't do all of the runs that I was supposed to in those two weeks, sometimes out of laziness :( But it paid off (kids, don't try this at home: laziness never pays off!) because my body really needed that rest. Race day I felt great and did a much better time than I expected. There were lots of hills in this race. Pretty much mile 5-10 was one giant hill. I finished in 2 hours 13 minutes, very happy with that. I wasn't really running this one for time, just wanted to finish! But next time I'll try train better and work on my time. First goal there is under 2 hours. The run felt great, I got a cool medal that Bean enjoyed, too. And I got to say my little farewell to Waco while running in it's prettiest park.

Good for you, Jo!
Glad it went well and that you had a farewell to Waco moment. : )
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