Monday, April 12, 2010


Still pregnant.

Experiencing some things that make me think labor is imminent. But it may not be. Because everyone is different. Blah Blah Blah.

Ok, I will shed the bad attitude. Now. I have turned this birth over to God, told Him that I trust Him for His perfect timing. So that's what I should do! Graciously! If God knows just when our little boy should be born, as He does, then I should rest in that and put up with the discomfort with a better attitude. God is setting me up for a successful and healthy delivery and baby!

Do you know what it is? I have become Americanized about this! As much as I read about natural delivery and plan for that, there's the flip side where I have been hearing other things. For the past couple of months people have been asking me when I'm going to have that baby, or telling me I look like I'm about to pop! Aside from the negative feelings associated with hearing these things OVER AND OVER AND OVER, there's also that sense that... hey, maybe I should be having this kid by now. After all, anything else we want at a whim can be almost instantly gratified. Can't find it at the store? Order online, ship it faster. Don't wait until you have the money, use credit! But guess what? I am only a few days past my estimated due date and that is perfectly normal. Now, I can't make anyone else believe that is perfectly normal. Some people are really good about it. Most people I encounter in public are not.

I was thinking about it. God has designed our bodies to be so amazing as to produce life that He grows inside of us. It takes a good long nine months to complete, but that's pretty amazing, too. Most people can't build a custom house in nine months. So when it comes about the time for the baby to be born, why shouldn't we be more patient? God is just putting some finishing touches on my kid. Why shouldn't I embrace that? Yet we live in a society that will schedule inductions for the sake of convenience. People do this all the time when they don't have a legitimate medical reason to even be induced. I can understand the getting impatient part. The wanting to meet your kid, the longing to have your body back for simple things like... putting on socks. I'm there. But look at what God has made! How much better His timing than mine! Birth is a miracle, why would I want to tamper with that if I didn't need to? Thank God for medicine and doctors and help where we need it.

But first, I thank God. Just because He is. And He made my child, and I will try my best now to wait patiently for him.

p.s. remind me of this if I'm still pregnant next Monday :)


Joie said...

Wonderful post, Jo. Thanks for the reminder about how easy it is to get into a poor mindset when God is the Author of our lives. Thanks for sharing this.

Anonymous said...

i second what joie said!

Anonymous said...

And I am awaiting seeing you as a new Mom. With greatest love,
Grandpa B.

Cara said...

All I can say after that post is, "You go girl!!" I'm proud of your positive attitude. Baby G will be here when he's good and ready. :)

jsmarslender said...

He's just too comfortable to be born right now. : )

I hope you're able to rest up and enjoy another day or two (or three!) of anticipation.

I too am looking forward to seeing you as a new mom. : )