Monday, March 29, 2010

baby shower!

everyone painted little flat wooden animals that will be glued onto the box you see and put in the baby room. My friend Fran is a fabulous party planner and she had everything coordinated and themed to "safari", which is my loose theme for the baby room :) It was lots of fun! Wouldn't you know, though, that I don't have a picture here of Fran because she was taking most of them, and I forgot to get one with her! :(

The really cool cake that Jen, my baking and artistic friend, made for me!

She got the animals to look just like the one on the invitation Fran made, they are so cute!

Jen and I and her cake :)

I requested this game where people guess how much string they need to fit around my belly. It was lots of fun, actually! This picture must have been one of the long ones, I think someone guessed 3 feet or so past the actual measurement. Hm... interesting to see how I might look to people :) My friend Michele, who won, was within a centimeter!

more belly measuring :)

I just have to say, Ron was amazing this day and gained lots and lots of brownie points. After staying up with me to clean/organize late the night before, he had to go into work for a bit Saturday morning. When he got back, he jumped right into helping me with whatever we needed. Throughout the party he got people drinks, helped serve cakes, and made witty little comments as he does, really enjoying himself. He was the only man there, and so helpful!!

Another interesting feat of Ron's: He wanted to participate in all the games (except the belly measuring, he wisely stayed out of that one!) and here he is intently answering some multiple choice questions about baby facts. Ron beat out all the women and got 7 right! He was a little bummed I think that he didn't get to a pick a prize, being one of the hosts, my friend Brendon won with 6 :) Ah, but he really enjoyed that moment! One of the questions was "how fast does a man change a diaper?" He put 30 seconds flat (it's more like a minute something, less than a woman because we figure the women are more thorough...). It will be interesting to see that...

My friend Tammy and her new little guy Greyson. Not too long ago I was going to her shower, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

My friend Brendon made me a really nice baby blanket! It is so soft and hand embroidered on the sides...

Our friend Nikki from Austin brought mango tart for the party. She made it mango just for Ron, who loved it :) yes, he has been known to obsess over mangos :)

Nikki and Greta, up from Austin. They got to hang out after the party and went to try a Thai restaurant with us. SO good, and so good to spend time with them!

Some of the girls (and Devin, Brendon's little boy).

Ron enjoyed himself at the party and, as I said, was so helpful and always taking care of me! What a great husband!

All in all, it was a really nice shower on a beautiful day. It meant a lot to have friends come over and show their support, especially with family so far away. A few of our friends couldn't make it because there were a lot of weddings/other parties going on that day. But that's how it goes, and we know they love us :) and it was a blessing to have the people that could make it. I really enjoyed myself and we also received a lot of nice gifts that will be very useful. Thank you God for good friends!


Anonymous said...

Such an adorable cake!

Anonymous said...

That cake is soooo cute*.

*cute: adorable, lovely:)
