Friday, December 11, 2009

an end and a beginning

Today is my last day at karate. I have already taught my last class and given my last karate stripe away. Today is "fun Friday" so we just play games with the kids. Some of us are going out to lunch today and then I'll work my last shift there. 

I'm glad to be getting done and I'm glad that I was there for a time. I'm looking forward to all this time at Christmas to celebrate with my husband and families. In January it will be strange to not have to go to work, but I want to use my time wisely. I have some projects that I would like to do, and I'll also be doing more ceramics, and can go in and do extra work whenever I want so I'll take advantage of that. I'm grateful and definitely spoiled that I can take this time for myself before I have my boy. I'm really looking forward to running my house at home. 

So begins a new adventure of my life. And soon I will be joined by my baby boy, and I'm really looking forward to that! I always knew I wanted to be a mom, and thank you God for this baby and that I can be home with him :) 

Hope everyone else is having a great Christmas season and I'm looking forward to seeing all my Brodhead and Wisconsin people :)  

Monday, December 7, 2009

Thanksgiving, etc.

Ron and I at the Homestead Fest :)

Making apple cider

cute little goat :)

Friends from church (and I teach Madee, on the left, karate). They went to Homestead Fest with us, and we found that there are so many more fun activities for kids than we knew! We're getting one!! Someday we'll get to do all the fun activities because we have a kid :)

Thanksgiving day

Natalie and Pierre

Ron carved the *delicious* turkey

Pierre and Ron admiring the turkey before it goes in the oven...

In other news, it snowed on Friday! Just a little bit, but they were big soft fluffy flakes. I haven't seen it snow in Texas yet, and since we weren't home last year it's been a while since I've seen snow falling at all. Looking forward to being in Wisconsin this Christmas, and hoping for lots of snow falls. I took a poll on my karate bus, and four of the kids had never seen it snow before that! And two of them were 8 or 9. It was interesting, even listening to their conversation about snow. It was so different from Wisconsin kids! I don't know what these Texans would actually do if there was a big blizzard or something! 

Also, and this is sweet... Ron felt the baby kick yesterday for the first time. He had been trying to feel it kick for a little bit, because it feels like big kicks to me! Then at the doctor's the other day she said he wouldn't feel it for another 2-4 weeks. So last night when I said he was kicking, Ron put his hand on my stomach and even said "well, even though I won't be able to feel him kick..." and then he did! 

I hope this kid is not abnormally large or something! He already wakes me up sometimes. But at least it's still quiet :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

thinking of thanksgiving...

Today begins my 5 day weekend. ah... I'm just doing some last pre-Thanksgiving errands today and enjoying myself. I have already been out scouting the shops, getting ready to buy some things on black Friday, which is my birthday this year, too :) I have never been shopping on Black Friday, and for pretty good reason, I'm sure. But we're not going to go early, and no one is allowed to push me. I've heard some pretty awful stories about that notorious shopping day, so I'm going to be careful, and Ron will shield me and the kid if need be. I feel silly even saying that, because people should behave themselves... ah, but I always want to give people more credit than some of them deserve perhaps. 

Please share your own Black Friday stories if you've ever gone shopping that day, I'd be curious to hear your impressions. 

We're also having Thanksgiving here at our home this year. Natalie and Pierre are coming down from Dallas (yay!!) and a girl from my work might be joining us, too. Ron asked several bachelors at his job, but they are heading home for the holiday. It's good when people can go see family. I am used to being away from Wisconsin for holidays, but having Nat and Pierre here will be family to me. Then I get to go home and see everyone for Christmas, so I couldn't ask for more! 

This year Ron has decided he will be in charge of the turkey. Neither one of us has ever roasted a turkey before, but I know that Ron will take care of the bird quite well. He can be very fastidious when he wants to be. I have some basic instructions I found online, but we do welcome any advice for the perfect Thanksgiving turkey. (or at least edible, if it comes to that). ah, but we'll have fun! oh, also welcoming any gravy tips :) 

Homestead Fest is this weekend, and if anyone has been hanging around me... this year... they might know that I have been looking forward to Homestead Fest since we discovered it last year. I love watching bees make honey and some guy make a chair from scratch and learning how to make cheese... and they have the best food, all made from scratch! it's so fun, and gives a good look at the simple life. It's also the time when their kids display and sell their artwork and crafts (all top quality) that they've worked on throughout the year. Having been homeschooled and appreciating that part of my past, I always get excited for the kids, knowing that this weekend is so big for them! We recently went up to their shops that are open throughout the year because I wanted to scout out a rocking chair (I'm looking for a good wooden traditional one), and I knew they'd have something. I figured it would be a little pricey, but after rocking a minute in the perfect chair, I looked at the price tag. $4000!! wow, I have good taste. will keep looking... This year we're going to take some friends from church who have two little kids, so it will be even more fun!

I have been baking lately, and feeling quite domestic. I am going to wait another week or so before starting Christmas cookies, but that will be fun. I tried some date pinwheels the other day and they turned out really well. This year I have to avoid eating the batter, though... That will save me plenty of calories, I'm sure! 

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving Day and is able to spend it with family. I am thankful for many things this year. Jesus. My Ron, my new baby growing bigger every day. My family far away, and glad Natalie is close by. I will be thinking especially of my family at home this year, though. I know that this year will be particularly hard not having Doug around. Know that I love you all, and beyond that I don't really have words. I have some tears and plenty of good memories. God bless.  

Thursday, November 19, 2009

decisions and musings

Well, I'm trying to decide if I will be continuing with ceramics next semester. Today is my last day at ceramics class to make new and possibly useless pots and trinkets. I have so enjoyed it, though, and feel like I just started to scratch the surface of my creativity and would like more time to learn and do more. However, since I'll be having a kid in April, I'm not sure if it would be entirely worth it. I think it might, though. What I would love someday is a wheel and a kiln at home. Ceramics is one of those artistic endeavors that requires a lot of effort and input and money just to get set up, and I know that after this class it won't happen at home for a while! So that's what I'm thinking about this morning.  

Also, I will report that the house is very very clean right now, as we have finished our bedroom painting project and we feel like we're staying in a new place :) My motto now is "maintenance"... How hard does that become when you start having kids? tehe. 

I am also feeling the baby kicking a lot more, it even kind of woke me up as I was drifting off to sleep last night :) It feels like a little secret message, and makes me happy to be his mom :)  

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

big news!

Well, overseas family... we thought you should know that we're having a BOY!

The ultrasound was so fun to watch and he was so cute and tiny, though sooo much bigger than when we first saw him, of course. He has little fingers and toes now!! We watched him try to suck his thumb once but he kept missing (must be mama's lack of coordination coming through). Ah, but we won't fault him he has plenty of time to learn! 

I had the day off work and got some extra ceramics time in and Ron got off early to join me for the ultrasound, then we took a nice fall walk and went out to dinner together :) It was such a nice Monday :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

ron's mug

This was my first project in my ceramics class. We all had to make a mug. Mine ended up very large and too heavy to really hold comfortably with the handle! I'm in good company, however, because Ron thinks the mug represents all that is man. He loves to drink his hot chocolate out of it and has made me feel better by appreciating the big clunky thing I brought home from school :) 

baby bump

getting bigger every day... trying to get a nice picture with the trees in the background, but we also through in our redneck random boards laying against our fence... I'll be bigger yet come Christmas and am looking forward to family talking to my belly :) 

Thursday, October 15, 2009

thinking out loud.

Last night when we went to church it was the first time that I felt like I looked pregnant, not just fat. In the past week even, I think my belly has made vast improvements in this area. I will be excited when I'm even further past the "is she pregnant or not?" stage.

Already looking forward to Christmas. I'm getting in the spirit of things because I'm putting together a package for the overseas family, and wish I could be there instead. Also, I will be quitting my job in December, right before Christmas. It worked out that way because I didn't want to fight with my boss about Christmas vacation (since we're coming to Wisconsin this year!) and it's about the time I will really not want to do karate anymore anyway. I already feel out of the loop there because I'm not training for my next belt. Can't fall, can't train. But that's ok. I've learned a lot there, and I have a better understanding and appreciation for self defense, and while I've enjoyed my previous training (for the most part) is was my job not my hobby. I will miss the little kids the most, and will go back to visit them sometimes. I will be glad to be done with the office politics (it's everywhere, I'm still amazed by this) and, frankly, the ego trips of a man with an art named after his family that means "the powerful way of Bainton" (his last name). There's some stories there, but I have been grateful for the job and enjoyed it a lot of the time, my boss can be really nice and I have to respect authority. Enough said. 

So, I'm looking forward to Christmas. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my life after Christmas until the baby gets here, and here is what I've come up with. Enjoy sleeping my full 8 hours every night. Design! Feel smart again! Get back into photography and really learn more about it. Take some classes that are offered at my church. Volunteer more. Cook good dinners for my loving husband. Write. Keep up with my exercise. Keep reading. Be better about cleaning the house more often... like folding laundry when it comes out of the dryer... Get the baby room ready! And I'm going to enjoy some time to myself. Oh... and finally put together some photo albums.

I'm open to suggestions. At present I am enjoying my ceramics class, feeling good about being able to express my creativity in some way. I feel like people could look at what I've been doing this year and a half and think I was selling myself short. And to be honest, I feel very unintellectually stimulated most days. Oh, I'll whip out a sudoku (had to look up how to spell that) or listen to NPR. I have enjoyed working with the kids, and won't regret that. I've always known that I would want to be a stay-at-home mom, and after growing up I feel blessed that it's actually an option for me. While I don't begrudge working mothers anything, I hope they won't begrudge me. I want to be with my kids, to watch them grow up, to know their everyday little lives. I want to have the time to nurture and be fun and take care of a household. This isn't meant to be some debate on the merits of working moms vs. stay-at-home moms, of course. More power to you if you can work full time and still be a great mom, as most are. A simple little fact is that you can't have it all. I want the time with my kids. I want to teach a simpler life, family oriented and slower paced. I think a lot of the things I want are not entirely respected these days by society in general. But that's ok because Ron and I are on the same page. I also want to challenge myself intellectually and physically during my days at home. If there is one thing I've learned from my older brother and sister it's that kids shouldn't stop you from doing anything! Travel with the baby, camp with the baby, they're pretty good troopers. And I can still make some time for designing/art. 

Just thinking out loud here, really. 

I will get some pictures up someday. Ron has our digital camera at work with him all the time, and he doesn't bring it home and my scanner is down, and I don't develop film well anyway because I am a Burchell. 

belly pictures soon :) 

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So, the swine flu is going around and everyone is freaking out about it. I am choosing to not freak out :) I am trying to not get sick, obviously thinking a little more about it these days due to the little one. There's those verses in the Bible that I like to think of:

"I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." ... A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you."
Psalms 91:2,7

Maybe that seems a bit dramatic, but I am claiming it for my life, and we are praying for health in our family. I think of other verses that I cannot quote right now about wars and rumors of wars (and plagues, etc.)... There's always something I could be freaking out about. Down here in Texas the swine flu is quite a big deal right now, and we both know people that have it. So I am learning to lean more on God for those things that I cannot control, and am learning to have peace about those things. Since I am a dramatic sort, it is interesting that lately I've been actually pretty calm about it. Of course I should always trust my Savior, God of the Universe. Doesn't that just make sense? :)

All this to really tell you a funny story. Today all of the people at Ron's work got called together for a mass safety meeting where the headlining objective was to tell people how to not catch the swine flu. Great idea to cram all 800 employees together in a tent and teach them about not spreading germs. It just seemed a wild and ironic contradiction to me :) 

Monday, September 14, 2009


This morning I got up with Ron and saw him off to work. We won't see each other a lot tonight because we're both busy, so why not play Sorry at 5:15 in the morning while he's eating breakfast?

Also, we discovered a leak in our "great room" (the entryway, that's what we call it :) yesterday, and assume we've never had it leak before because it hasn't rained that hard for several straight days. Cleaned it up, it had stopped raining, this morning it's back. Ron calls me on the way to work (just to tell me he loves me and had a great weekend with me, isn't he the best!?) and I inform him that I put a pot underneath the leak.

"Awww... Just like those people that live in really old houses!" 

"Um... yup, that's us, Ron."


Saturday, September 12, 2009

a rainy saturday, finally!

Well, even Grandma is getting on to me now, I must write something! She said it's ok if I whine, she just wants to read something from me. Hopefully that doesn't mean I whine all the time :) but thank you for the liberty, as it is likely the case here and there. 

Today Ron and I spent a pleasant rainy morning as follows... slept in, then took a trip to Ron's work site. He had to check something important, and I took his word for it, donned a poncho and joined him trudging in the rain through the partially completed power plant. It has grown a lot since I was last there, and it was fun to look up through the structure to see the tower cranes resting on top of the entire building. Ron explained to me what he was doing, and how some things worked (dumbed down the process a bit without making me feel dumb, he's so good at that :) and set off for Mart. Mart is a little bitty town that we first drove through when coming to Texas and made us very sad! Off the main drag, almost every other house is abandoned, and I wish someone would help their roads out. But today we saw a different side. We stopped at the Cozy Cafe for lunch and met Jess, the friendly waitress. Then we went to a couple of antique/not so antique shops. You know how those places are. Some items that are actually old and interesting, plus everything in between. I was fortunate enough to find some old silver spoons that were very cheap, and that was my good deal of the day. I still have to look up the best way to clean them. So we liked Mart today. It's one of those little towns that we like to seek out in order to go to their shops and maybe find some interesting people. The towns that get overlooked, blink-you're-through-it types. 

Now we're off shortly to the gym, and then HEB to do some grocery shopping. Ron and I are very excited about shopping there today because just recently we discovered quite by accident that they have a policy called "fresh or free". If we find an item that's expired, we take it plus a new item to the check out, and they give us the new fresh item for free! It's already worked for us once, so there's no stopping the Goodmans now. Let me tell you, nothing tastes better than free cottage cheese... And even though it's one of their open policies, not a lot of people know about it, it's not advertised even on their website, and you feel a little silly riffling through items to check their dates :) But it's so fun when you have a good find! It's about as close to james bond as Ron and I will ever get, we try to be discreet :)

So glad for the rain, too, and the cooler weather!! I'm soaking it up, This is the first week all summer that we saw high temps in the 80s. Only a couple weeks ago we were happy to get high temps in the 90s! I better not hear any whining from the north about how cold it is :) Of course, I suppose I should check myself now that I have relatives in Kuwait... Guess it's not so bad here :)

Friday, August 7, 2009


So much is changing and happening. Ron and I are very excited about our new little baby growing inside of me. We continue to pray for strength and health for our little guy. That's what Ron calls the baby. I'm not sure yet if we're going to decide to learn what sex the baby is. A lot of our friends have been telling us to, so that you can plan better. It's true, I thought, that after I have the baby I'm not going to want to run out and get organized. I'd rather have everything ready. But I could have a lot of stuff ready anyway, and no matter if it's a boy or a girl, it's getting the blue curtains we already own. 

God has been working in me, calming some fears. I'm still very early in my pregnancy, almost 8 weeks. I feel like I am just supposed to trust and believe for a healthy pregnancy and baby. It's easy for me to believe that God can make that happen. I believe He put this life in me for a reason. But sometimes it hurts so much when I think of several moms, some very close to me, who have lost their babies very recently. I hurt for them, and I don't like not understanding why things happen. Even now it has brought me to tears. Of hurt. anger, almost. So while I am believing for the best for my baby, I have to learn to lay aside my supposed right to understand everything. God knows. I know He gives life, and while I don't know why He lets it be taken away sometimes, He knows. His thoughts are above my thoughts. He has asked me to trust Him, and at the same time, to believe for good things. 

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for." 
Hebrews 11:1-2

Oh, that God would help me to increase my faith in Him. How He loves me, and I have seen that time and again. I have felt Him, and when I have not felt Him, I have known that He still cares and watches over me. Me and baby both.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

So that's why I've been feeling bloated and cried through Hannah Montana...

I'm pregnant! Ron and I are very excited about this, and really looking forward to the adventure that awaits us. We're also glad for this eight or nine months that we've got for transition. We've been wanting (recently) to have kids, so now that it's official it's both exciting and a bit nerve-wracking. No turning back now! We're going to have a great time of it. My first appointment is on August 19th. With a woman doctor that came highly recommended from a couple friends, including one who used to be an OBGYN nurse and says out of all of Waco, this one's the doctor to have. yay :) After hearing some of my own mother's stories, I didn't want to wade through any calloused doctors that don't bother empathizing or discussing options but would rather pump some more medication into me and get me out the door. So, I'll keep you posted, but it looks good. 

We are so thankful to God for this baby and are believing for a healthy pregnancy, baby and me. Ron is already beaming, and we feel great about this :)

Facebook friends that may be reading, please don't post this there yet :) I haven't told my coworkers yet (who may check their facebook) or my boss because I'm waiting to see if a possible design position opens up for me that I've been looking at. God has given me a peace about whatever may happen there. So, I'm waiting to see about that first anyway.... 

wow, I'm going to be a mom! 

Monday, June 1, 2009

monday, monday.

I said I would write this morning and now I'm running short on time! I'll write more later... Feeling low motivation today. It's getting hotter out, and I've been neglecting proper exercise and not counting my calories. As a result, I've gained a few pounds over the past few weeks. blah. There is a girl I work with that had never even tried a salad (among other things, I have no idea how her parents let her get away with that!) and she pretty much just eats fried foods and is a skinny little thing! But you know what? I'm glad that I can appreciate a good salad and I'm learning how to take care of and appreciate myself. I never share this kind of stuff with the family really, but it's something that's a big part of my life. I was doing very well for a long time. In general, Ron and I have become more active and we eat a lot healthier than a few years ago... I'd like to get a grip on these things even more so because it helps make for a better life for the rest of my life :) 

have to go get ready for work. This Thursday we start summer camp and I get to go to the zoo!  

Sunday, May 31, 2009

trips and things.

Ron and I just got home from a weekend in Dallas, but we didn't have the camera!

We went up for a family wedding (shocked that we could make one of Ron's cousins' weddings, but the bride's from Texas!) and had a wonderful time. A couple of his cousins live up in that area, and we are now determined to get connected with them better. I didn't even realize one of them was still in Dallas. They love the Lord, and it was refreshing to visit with them and all the other family we ran into--people we haven't seen since our wedding! The wedding was beautiful, and even though I hadn't met the bride and barely knew the groom, I could tell the way you just can, that they loved the Lord so much and each other (of course). Those weddings are the best. 

We also stayed the weekend for a little romance of our own. The bed and breakfast we stayed at is owned by the bride's grandparents (quite a coincidence), and was pleasant. We enjoyed a long chat with them on the porch this morning while they fed us the best quiche I've ever had in my life. 

We also took in downtown Dallas, saw some rather historical items in the Dallas Library, including one of the first copies made of the Declaration of Independence. We went to the Dallas Aquarium, which was really fun. It had birds and monkey (including tiny little bitty monkeys, which I loved) and lots of fish/sharks/etc... I wish we had the camera with us to show you the bird that was sitting on the side railing, letting all the visitors pet him. He was a small and exotic little thing, just crooning for attention. I wonder if I'm not a bit like that at times :) sorry Ron, I guess I'm high maintenance to a degree!

I am sorry I don't write on this blog more often, for those of you who want to read about the Goodmans. I don't always have a story to tell, or I just don't make time. I actually will make time to tell you about what God has been doing in our lives. I'll tell you tomorrow morning! I know this will take a bit and my husband is wanting to play checkers with me.

But it is good things. and He is Good. We are being renewed and refreshed. 

Joie, you have also inspired me to be more transparent here. I love seeing the real you, and want all of you reading this to see the real me. A work in progress, and lately... even more and more grateful for a loving God. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fun in Buda and Jo in her bus :)

A girl in Buda, TX who loves her dog. I think they came from near and far for the wiener dog races we happened upon when we visited some friends of our from college. It was a good weekend. We also went to Austin and took a long walk around downtown. I love the country now, but it made me miss Milwaukee a little bit. I did love living downtown for a while :)

and there they go!

what would the wiener dog races be without one of these?

For all of you who have been requesting it (and especially for Will). This is Aunt Jo in her bus!

Just to prove it's a good long bus! Yes, I drive that!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Branson Trip

Ron and I at the Eiffel Tower... in Paris, TX. Yes, we just had to.

One down...

Traveling... Ron did most o the driving this trip. And I was sick! 
But kept up with my drugs, and still had a great time :)

At the Hollywood Wax museum. I mean, being rescued by Indie in a scary cave!

Ron, chatting up 007 with an imaginary drink to match.

Well, we headed to the deep south. Sort of. Branson, MO, actually :) Andy's show choir was playing there and we got to go see him (and surprise him and mom!) which was a lot of fun. Along the way we found an old friend. Yes, we own several seasons of the good old Dukes.

Family in Branson! 

Fire and water show put to music down on the Landing. It was fun to watch, Ron was mesmerized by the fire :)

me and my favorite man. 

Our first impression of Arkansas, which we'd never been to. We missed the gas pump the first time. The lady inside was really friendly and we liked this small town of Chester, pop. 99. Ron was chatting the lady running the mercantile, and she said that have of that population was dogs :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

for the India Burchells

Just talked with Nate and Joie and Will and Annie. It was good to see their faces and chat for a bit. Just wanted them to know again how much I wish I could be a part of their daily lives. They appreciate the simple things, the most beautiful things. I know that Ron and I would love to stroll up to their cottage and make some chai tea with them, play with Will and Annie and their blocks and tractor... Let Nate read us some poetry or sit around the kitchen table telling stories, watching the kids... I love you India Burchells. I'm glad to be able to see your faces and we should skype a bit more, I'm thinking. love, love, love.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Yesterday I was driving to work and swerved to miss hitting a big turtle who was casually trucking himself across the highway. I thought, wow... I don't think I've ever nearly hit a turtle. About two miles down the road, I swerved to miss hitting a little baby turtle that had inherited the same bad instincts about highways. 

I ask you, has anyone, in the course of a few minutes of highway driving, nearly hit two turtles? Now I can count myself among the few. They were adorable, and later when I was on my way home, I watched the road carefully. I think they made it safely across. Go turtles. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

can walk photos

This is one of the houses we pass on our walks. We like 
how the trees are allowed to grow through the roof :)

Texas Longhorns

Ron on one of our can walks. He looks like a sweet little farmer.

Ron with one days' take from the can walk. He is proud.

Another proud picture. After my mixer breaks, Ron saves the day!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

date night

Is happening right now, we just got back from the Red Lobster. Ah, yes. The memories. We had a lovely time out today with a few friends (or people that are becoming our friends) from Ron's work. We went bowling with them and then parted ways to spend quality time with each other and some coconut shrimp. It was all delicious, but even more delicious is this next bit of news. Ron would not want to brag on himself to everyone, but I have to say how proud I am of him. Some of the people that Ron works closely with at the site, some of the craft, have noticed how hard Ron has been working. He puts in some long hours and goes into work on Saturdays sometimes even when he doesn't have to. Oh, we work it out at home and still get time together :) But they gave us a gift card for the dinner tonight, they all pooled in for Ron because he does so much for them on the job. So, while dinner was great, it was really great knowing that Ron is doing all the right things around the site and that it is appreciated. We are blessed, and I am blessed with a hard working husband (who also know when to come home).

Back to date night, I think I'm about to destroy Ron in checkers. 

Saturday, February 14, 2009

a new post!

Seems like I'm behind in the family blogging scene. I just looked through everyone's now old blogs and realize why people have been hounding me to write more. It's because all of you give such nice little updates on a very consistent basis. It's very nice to see the photos of the kids, Joie, they have grown so much! So I will attempt to be a better blogger... too bad my name isn't betty botter, i think I could could have a nice little ditty there. 

Today is Valentine's Day, and Ron is working :( but he will be back in the afternoon. I flipped out a little last night because Ron and I have not had a solid day together in about 3 weeks or so. I don't do well on very little Ron time. So I'm going to soak it up tonight and tomorrow. We missed each other while I was in Boston, though I had a wonderful time there! 

I really like Boston. I loved the quaint New England architecture, Paffy the tourguide, taking long unhurried walks, and soaking up all the fun historical things (although, Will, I still have yet to sit on an ancient stone elephant). Mostly, I loved seeing family. I loved meeting Claire. She's so beautiful and interactive. Since I had just seen pictures and few of her more quiet moments when we were skyping, it was exciting when she was right in front of me, giggling or smiling that big smile of hers. It was also a lot of fun to carry her around Boston while Mom took pictures of her. Look, heres Claire at Paul Revere's House. Look, here's Claire on the Freedom Trail. Look, here's Claire with Benjamin Franklin. We had a fun time with that and Mom and I were both reminded of the little lawn ornament that was stolen, followed by pictures in the mail of this same lawn ornament all over the world. Don't worry, Claire, you are way cuter than a lawn ornament :) And carting around a baby all afternoon made me think... I should get one sometime soon... This is not an announcement. 

Today Ron and I are going to take down our Christmas tree. I know. Sometimes we wonder if we have too many redneck instances, but I refuse to actually use that word to describe us. We are slow people sometimes. Taking our time, content with life almost to a fault. I need to get better at just getting things DONE. Next on the list of organizing our lives is to set up a nice filing system for all our papers. We just became adults, and we already have so much to file! (actually, I must be in denial, we've been adults a little bit now) But I love when we actually are organized, so I'm looking forward to finishing that project. Right now it's like this: 

Ron: Honey, where is all the stuff for our taxes? 
Jo: Oh, I made sure to put all of those envelopes on the piano so we know where they are. 

nice. Well, I'm off to get some cleaning done and work out and maybe get the grocery shopping in before Ron comes home. Tonight we're going to the Olive Garden to celebrate our love. I just thank God for blessing me with a wonderful husband that loves me and protects me and will care for me for the rest of my days. He is a treasure to my heart. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

the living room

This is just some before/after shots of our living room. These shots cannot possibly show you how awful it was before, and all the sin we covered up. Still working on decorating :)

painting painting painting. That's all we did FOREVER.

the "before" walls. Reminiscent of a 1970s fishermen's cabin...

minus the mess, look at the walls! Soooo much better!!

old photos :)

These photos are all pretty old, from Thanksgiving weekend and the Homestead Fest. Forgive me for not being up on things, but I thought that you might like to see some of what we enjoyed that weekend, anyway... :)

this little place had amazing apple cider donuts!

Ron loved the windmill display! 

Learning how to make our own soft cheese.

Watching a chair being made.

Ron's haircut.

I did it. It turned out a bit short, and stuck up funny. It has since gotten better, and even turned out to give Ron a bit of attitude :) He loves it now!!

a bit of Christmas

We were fortunate enough to catch A Tuba Christmas this season. Needless to say, I was thrilled! And we think we may have seen a certain Justin Marslender there... can you spot him?

Christmas break. Ron loves his cider.

I'm a spoiled wife. The most thoughtful gift was the 8 or so containers of Carmex that Ron filled my stocking with. I'm always losing them, or asking him to help me find them... not any more!

Christmas dinner. uncooked. Ron just couldn't wait, he thought it was so pretty :)

Our first Christmas tree!

me in my country garb. Please ignore messy living room :)